This is a Christmas present project I did for a friend. They bought their first home. I bought the frame at Michael's. It was black and already had the 3 mat insert. I painted it with two coats of acrylic white craft paint. Then I scuffed it up with sand paper to let some of the black show through. I cut drop cloth material into printer page size. I also cut Heat bond into printer page size. I ironed the heat bond to the drop cloth then I printed the address, house picture and #1 onto the pages. Yes you can run regular fabric through your printer! There are tons of different methods but I like the heatbond paper method best. Be sure to put the fabric face down into your printer paper tray. I then cut my freshly fabric printed pictures to fit the matting openings. I taped them with
Here is a link to what the heatbond is:
Here is a link to the drop cloth I used :
Here is a link to the frame I used:,default,pd.html?start=8&cgid=products-framing-collage
Update!!!!! I am new to blogging and I completely forgot to give credit where credit is due. I got my orginal idea for this from our fifth house: Piano Keys And Telling Our Story: She did not print on fabric like mine but her post is what got my wheels turning!
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