Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My first annie sloan chalk paint project... Is it suppose to look like this?

So if you are like me and addicted to Pinterest you can't miss all the annie sloan chalk paint rage. I could not wait to try it. From the dozens maybe hundreds of things I read it seemed full proof and exactly the kind of shabby chic look I was going for. I was so excited when I found out a store in the next town to me was selling the stuff. I was preparing myself for the price of the stuff because I had read it was rather pricey but from all claims it last forever and if it was the miracle paint everyone was talking about it was sure to be worth it. I have to tell you though I almost had a heart attack when my bill was $148! (I bought 1 quart of pure white, 1 can of dark wax, 1 can of clear wax, 1 french linen tester, and two wax brushes because the lady told me you would need one for the dark and one for the clear). I am a pretty cheap thrifty person and for what little amount of product I got I was pretty shocked at the cost. I will tell you it was more than I paid for the table! Well the purchase was done now on to the application. I think I got so excited to use the paint I plain forgot to take a before picture but the piece was a very dark brown stain. So I put two to three coats and did some light sanding and applied the clear wax. I opted not to use the dark wax on this piece. So I don't know how I feel about the piece. I am not crazy about it. Is it suppose to look like this? I would love some feedback. Am I a painting drop out if I messed up this full proof paint? What I think I do not like about the finish is that its kinda blotchy if that makes sense. I tried to point out one particular area. but its like that all over. Here is what I am talking about

Please tell me what you think!